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Intro to Hydroponics – Course PDF

This ebook contains only the text portion of the following course and is designed to be used in conjunction with course video in Upstart University. Not a member? Sign up here.

Growing hydroponically

Growing hydroponically (or in other words “without soil”) is an incredibly productive modern farming technique. By using a substrate and a nutrient enriched solution, you’re able to produce healthy, flavorful plants, in a highly controlled way and with much less water than traditional agriculture. As concern over water availability and sustainability grow, hydroponics has become an increasingly popular growing technique for new farmers (urban and rural)!

Just about anything can grow hydroponically, if you know what you’re doing. The goal of this course is to teach you exactly how to start and run a successful hydroponic farm. In order to grow hydroponically, you must learn to monitor and control system factors like EC, pH, source water quality, temperature, filtration, sanitation, sterilization, and plant needs – all of which will be covered in this course!

In this course, you will: 

  • Discover the origins of hydroponics
  • Learn about all hydroponic system types
  • Hydroponic nutrient management
  • Hydroponic system layouts and plumbing
  • The best crops for hydroponics

This course is taught by Dr. Nate Storey.

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