“What Simple Design Taught Me”- A TED Talk by Dr. Nate Storey

What building simple things has taught me

“Simplicity enables utility.”

Thats what drives all of Bright Agrotechs designs, and through the process of simple design Dr. Nate has learned three things:

  1. Simple design is inspired
  2. Simple design needs to be intentional
  3. Simple design enables the unexpected

Learn what this means and see how these concepts were manifested in the design of ZipGrow Towers.

“What Simple Design Taught Me”

Watch the entire TED talk below.

“This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. When we build simple, useful things, we create the building blocks for opportunities. In this way, simple, small and humble things can unexpectedly become powerful tools. Designing things to be simple can be a very difficult task, as it requires us to be honest, critical and almost always, generous.

Nate Storey has been designing and operating equipment for aquaponic and hydroponic applications for almost a decade. He completed his PhD work at the University of Wyoming researching vertical aquaponic production methods, and currently serves as the CEO at Bright Agrotech, a company that leads the industry in aquaponic and vertical farming equipment. Nate lives in Laramie with his wife Heather and daughter Charlotte.”

Empowering innovation with simple technology

When you think about designing technology, its easy to get intimidated by the idea that it has to be this complicated thing.

But simple things enable innovation.

We’ve seen this with all of our Upstart Farmers taking our ZipGrow technology and applying it to different contexts and for different uses.

So as Dr. Nate describes in his TED talk, how can you start asking “what if?” and use simple things to enable a brighter future?

What do you think about his talk?

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