We are an agriculture technology company championing for food security in all communities.
ZipGrow is here for a reason: We believe we can solve problems.
Food security is an issue that affects people all over the world. It is estimated that by 2050, demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today. This is due to population growth and increasing issues with supply chains and product lines. As daunting as this sounds, agriculture technology companies like ZipGrow are changing the future of food for the better through AgTech advancements, and through education.
In 2016, our flagship ZipGrowâ„¢ Tower, the most effective vertical hydroponic growth system on the planet, gave us our start. The Towers are the building blocks for our products that provide an agriculture technology product with ethical, social, health and practical benefits.

Meet the ZipGrow team.
The down to earth AgTech company.
We don’t forget to laugh, but we always remember to break a sweat. We’re caffeinated, we’re passionate.
Our Vision
Our Mission
The Food Problems We're Facing.
The Solution: Localize The Food System with Agriculture Technology.
Fewer Miles
Fewer Days
Less Waste
More Nutrition
The Advantages of ZipGrow Hydroponic Crop Production.
ZipGrow: Level up your growing in a true vertical system.

- Completely Soil-free
- Little to no harmful chemicals, pesticides, or herbicides needed
- Uses up to 95% less water
- Food travels a fraction of the distance
- Crops grow up to 50% faster
- Yields are increased
- Year-round production is possible regardless of location
- Grown in a fraction of the space
- Growing up – Reduces footprint

- Less labor needed to grow effectively
- No weeding required
- Easier on your body
- Modular and scalable
ZipGrow Magazine
At home, at work, for profit, for community we know that through our hydroponic technology and educational support we can help you grow a sustainable healthy food source, that’s consistent and delicious
whoever you are
wherever you are
whenever you need it.